12 Questions About Thalia Vida Gardner's Death

Several days ago, I wrote a blog post related to a story that had been circulating about baby Thalia Vida Gardner, a beautiful black-eyed baby girl who, according to people sharing the story, died after a reaction to twenty vaccines given at once. The blog reveals that Thalia Vida’s father had a long history of drug abuse and violence and that she was diagnosed with shaken baby syndrome and opiate overdose at the time of her death… and that there were, in fact, only four vaccines. I also wrote an open letter to Thalia's mother.

Since then, I have been relentlessly attacked. I would be more than happy to listen if some of the supporters of Thalia Vida Gardner’s family could answer a few very simple questions that I have, but, every time I’ve asked them, I’ve been attacked. In the last three days, I was called a shill, a bully, a c*nt, a child abuser, a d*ke, a mother*cker, a sociopath,  a narcissist, and an *sshole. One person said she hoped my children died. Another person said that I am incapable of actually loving my children. Several told me that I am not a real mother because I adopted my kids (even though I gave birth to both of them and I have no idea where they got that idea).

If you’d like to make your case clear for why and how vaccines killed Thalia Vida Gardner, it would serve you well to calmly answer these questions—preferably citing scientifically plausible evidence. Have the answers? Please post them below.

1. If vaccines killed Thalia Vida Gardner, why is her father asking for $10,000 to prove it, since her cause of death was diagnosed in the hospital and will be confirmed by the autopsy? If vaccines were her cause of death, the hospital would have found them to be her cause of death.

2. Thalia Vida Gardner’s mother has posted several places online saying that her family is being accused of shaking her to death. Why would the hospital say she was shaken to death if she was not?

3. Encephalitis, or swelling of the brain, which anti-vaccine activists say killed Thalia, is easy to accurately diagnose. Any child presenting with the symptoms Thalia had would have received an EEG, brain imaging, a spinal tap, and tests of her blood and urine. Why did none of these tests reveal that she had encephalitis, if she had it?

4. After her shots but before her hospitalization, Thalia Vida’s aunt said she was “healthy, happy, and learning to take her first steps,” and her caregiver Felicia Polard-Philips said she was “100%.” Her mother was going about her life as usual; the family moved and she was taking selfies. If she was horribly sick for the entirety of those eight days, why would two people who cared for her say that she was well, and why did the family continue with their day-to-day life?

5. A diagnosis can only be made by a medical expert, usually an MD. In what was are Katie Coyne, the anti-vaccine activist who started spreading Thalia’s story, and Tyler Justin Gardner, Thalia’s father who has never been able to write a coherent sentence, qualified to diagnose Thalia’s alleged vaccine reaction?

6. What imaging, lab tests, and exams did Thalia Vida’s father perform in order to diagnose her with encephalitis? Encephalitis is a rather specific diagnosis and, to arrive at it, the characteristic symptoms have to be present. A positive spinal tap and red-flag blood-work, in addition to neurological symptoms, would have been necessary to arrive at that diagnosis.

7. If Thalia Vida’s father is more qualified to make a medical diagnosis than the medical doctors who treated her, does that mean that he never takes himself or his children to the doctor, and diagnoses himself instead?

8. Thalia Vida’s father posted on our blog stating that her brain was “swelling and bleeding” because of vaccines between her immunization and her hospitalization. Symptoms of these conditions include loss of motor skills (like no longer being able to sit or stand), loss of balance, fainting, vomiting, screaming, lethargy, confusion, high fever, aversion to light, a limp body, and a bulging soft spot. Why did Thalia have no symptoms of either of these conditions in these photos with her aunt, and how was she gaining new motor skills during a time that her motor skills would have rapidly declined?

9. Although he stated in one post that he doesn’t believe that “anyone with any care in them could shake her to death.” (Funny that he includes “to death,” as if shaking her would have been okay as long as she didn’t die.) And yet this man has a documented criminal history that includes battery and domestic violence. Why should we believe that someone who is capable of battering his wife, is not also capable of hurting his child?

10. If there has in fact been a massive conspiracy to hide that Thalia died of vaccine-related encephalitis, how did dozens of people with no connection to one another orchestrate this? Do cover up an actual case of encephalitis, it would require that everyone from the nurse who checked her temperature, to the paramedics who first arrived on the scene, to the secretary at the lab that processed her blood work, all agree to the same lie. This is not possible.

11. Thalia Vida’s father has stated repeatedly that the opiates found in Thalia’s blood stream were caused by an antidote given to her by paramedics who (for apparently no conceivable reason) misdiagnosed her with opiate overdose. Naxolone does not cause a positive opiate test, so this could not have caused her to test positive at the hospital. What caused Thalia Vida to test positive for opiates?

12. To those of you who have tweaked, twisted, altered, and cherry-picked the details of Thalia Vida’s death to promote your stance against vaccines: you are sick people for preying on a grieving mother and a culture of paranoid parents in order to promote your dangerous agenda. How do you look at yourself in the mirror?


  1. Very well written. Unfortunately this deplorable behavior has not only been reserved for you. A fair amount of these folks have also swarmed the poor pediatrician's FB page and accused them of murder. Just horrendous.

  2. All good questions. But here's one I can't get answered. Why has this not been covered anywhere in the media the last week? There have been at least 2 deaths of children in the Las Vegas area, not considered suspicious, and they were covered by media. how is it a case of suspected child abuse resulting in death doesn't make it to the media. AT ALL. The family clearly states they are being investigated, yet nothing. My BS meter is on high alert. I can't imagine a story this complicated could be fabricated, but I'm seriously wondering.

  3. I don't know, Chrissy. Have you contacted the papers in Las Vegas, or do you know if anyone did? There may be some legal stuff that needs to get sorted out, or they may be waiting for the final autopsy or the charges.

  4. There are several commenters in a facebook thread feeling the same unease. One who has contacts and experience in social services In Las Vegas who says not a word. Another who had a journalist friend looking into it. After checking all available sources the journalist friend says he thinks it's made up. Seems a bit complicated to be a fabrication, but it's always possible.

  5. Juniper you are the most hateful person on this planet. You should be ashamed of yourself. Some day someone is going to knock you of of that high horse your on and believe me it will be a very long fall. I am not sure if you are the person who wrote and open letter to the babies mother hoping she would see it but whoever wrote it will be happy to know she did see it and thinks you are bat shit crazy. I am sure people are aware by now that I am Thalia's grandmother and there are a few things I would like to clear up for you. First and foremost the father has never been arrested for drugs. He was in an accident and was prescribed medication. When he tried to stop taking them he got sick as many people do so he went and got help. If you would like to make snide comments about that it speaks to your character not his. Second you imply that the father beat his wife. When a person is arrested for domestic violence there doesn't have to be any beating involved. I don't know where you live although I would guess under a rock, but in Las Vegas is the police are called to a domestic dispute someone is going to jail. Before you ask me if I was there and saw what happened the answer is yes. So since his arrest record has made you so curious I will spell it out for you. He has been arrested 1 time and not so recently as you would like people to believe.

  6. Actually. That arrest was from beating Karla. She herself was the one who posted the pictures of her bruised body all over Twitter.

    She also made an Instagram post about how she was at the police station; getting a restraining order because he was obviously a threat.

    The whole reason their marriage was broken, because they only had recently "reconciled" was because he was addicted to pills, and spending the money from his "two jobs" on pills.

    He never raised her oldest daughter like they claim. Her oldest daughter is with her father Monday - Friday since he has always been financially responsible for her and the judge deemed this the best arrangement.

    Hopefully law enforcement does the same for her son; before something terrible happens.

  7. They weren't this "happy loving" family they're claiming to be. She use to hide that he was around. After all her Twitter doesn't say "happily married wife" it said "ex-wife extraordinaire". What she should have done and continues to lack ; is the intelligence to put her children before a man she met on Twitter.

  8. If she were innocent, she would be able to see her children right now, which she claims she is doing " I see my daughter after school". However that is false.

    Something is definitely wrong here. But justice will be served.

  9. Juniper, you deserve to be called all of those horrible names, except for "d*ke". I don't think it's okay to call someone a "d*ke".

  10. Good points, Juniper. Excellent blog.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. By the way, all these claims that his drug test came up negative are FALSE... But like I said stay tuned. ... The truth will be coming out very very soon .

  13. I discovered this blog yesterday and really enjoy how the author went from woo to reality, but this story is strange. The whole thing appears to be fabricated, but by whom? Was the author fooled into it being real? No legitimate news outlet has anything on this story. Nothing on the names of the parents or child. And no, there wouldn't be a coverup. Journalists would be all over this.

    I'm not attacking this page, it's just that this whole thing makes no sense as it has no internet footprint outside of a few Facebook pages. An incident like this would be public record, and there is none.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Thalia will get her justice. No words can describe how low they are as parents. OPIATE WAS FOUND ON THE LIVING ROOM FLOOR PEOPLE, BUT KM SURE THE PARAMEDICS PICKED IT UP ON THEIR WAY OUT TO GIVE IT TO THALIA. People are ignorant, simple as that. I'm so relieved that Valentina still has her wonderful father (not tyler bc he is not ND no where near being her father) and emery has so much family that will keep him happy. At first my heart broke for karla, and I hope she would have opened up her eyes to see the kind of man tyler really is, but instead she had his bavk. Wake up PENDEJA, this man just killed your guys child and you lie for him. Why?? Why would you do that to the 2 other kids that need a mother? You've always thought about yourself ( I'm sorry and your social media fans, which btw you're still not famous from them). Karla is now involved in the Case of thalia passing bc she sticks up for his stupid ass. Justice will be served and we will all be there to see it. BTW Thalias organs were NOT DONATED bc there were too many ABNORMALITIES with them. Her mom didn't share that though so she could seem like a hero...well your not!!! You're now a suspect bc you chose to stick up for your drug dealing beating piece of shit husband. May God forgive for saying these awful things. The truth doesn't give a shit about your opinions or lies.

    1. You're right; had she taken that stance maybe some one might feel feel bad for Karla. But she's as irresponsible and deplorable as his trashy self. Maybe this was better; who knows what the future of their kids could have been

    2. I was just wondering if they are such horrible people why was Karla's mom constantly dropping Karla's little sister off for them to watch for days at a time.

    3. I do feel extremely sorry for Karla for having people like you in her family.

    4. Because her mom is just as trash as Karla and Tyler. That's why.

  16. Serious question. I'm active on Twitter and Facebook groups in fighting the pseudoscience movement. I want to start talking about this, but this whole story seems fabricated. I know this page is real. But where did this story come from? A man being accused of the murder of his infant child, allegations of drug abuse, a mother's story which doesn't match up to her timetable of the baby's alleged illness, and not a SINGLE news outlet is covering this? This is CNN front page material. Try googling any names involved in this story, and they exist nowhere outside of a few Facebook pages and a couple crazy anti-vaxx blogs.

    I'd appreciate any help if someone could provide news links to this. Murder investigations are public record, yet this one exists nowhere.

    1. Honestly I ask myself the same thing. The mother has restricted access to her kids at this point; meaning they ARE DEFINITELY under investigation ... Why aren't the news covering this case?? But I can assure you this isn't a made up case. If only deplorable individuals such as these parents really were made up.

    2. No, I've discussed this with many people in the anti-woo movement. It's fake. Nancy Grace would be all over this right now. A story of a man shaking his infant to death along with implications of drug abuse, would be so all over the news, you'd be sick of it. The real question is, who fabricated this and what was the point?

    3. Lol. I know the people involved. They didn't jjst make a baby disappear. It's not a made up case. But I am extremely confused as to why it's not on the news.

  17. This is from someone very close to the family of Thalia. I was around when this all happened and am choosing to remain anonymous. Believe this or don't, but it is what I witnessed happen the night she went to the hospital. I was with a family member, the family member was told by a relative that Thalia had swallowed a pill she found on the carpet of her home while in the care of her father, Tyler. There was utter shock at that statement alone. We arrived at the hospital and was told her brain was swollen. Before I go on, let me state this FACT. Thalia was healthy for days before this happened. No illness, no rashes, no swelling. Nothing. Continuing, Karla handed her home over to the authorities to investigate what had happened. The grandfather was told by the police and CPS that they had recovered several "small black pills" on the carpet of their home. We were all told that Karla and Tyler had passed their drug screen the first night at the hospital. We found out the next day that they did not, in fact, receive the results of the drug screen and wouldn't receive it for another week for it was a blood screening. We also received info from the police that the small black pills found on their carpet were indeed opiates. The final news we received was that Thalia's brain had swollen more and her eyes were bleeding/bloodshot. The doctor's told us all that this is not due to opiates, but someone shaking the baby severely. Karla suggested that the paramedics possibly shook her daughter, a ludicrous statement. The final day of Thalia's short life, the doctors confirmed opiates were found in her blood stream. Karla, and now most of her supporters, now believe this is due to an error at the hospital and was caused by the medication Thalia was given by her doctors. That's not all. The following days we received information following her autopsy. There were several fractures in her skull. This is something that has been left out of every "news report" on social media. Karla and Tyler do not want people to know this. But I digress, their actions following this event is not what matters. What matters is the truth of what actually happened to Thalia. Knowing all of this, I ask, how do vaccines cause skull fractures? How do the vaccines explain the small black pills found in their home? These questions have yet to be answered and has all of Thalia's family wondering what actually happened. Except Karla and Tyler, who have now turned to the anti-vaccine community for support. Saturday morning, I, along with all of Thalia's family will be saying goodbye to her for the last time at her service, knowing that all of these inconsistencies in her death will not be answered.

  18. I've been following this story, but I too am starting to believe the whole thing might be a hoax. There is no death record (at least with the social security administration) for Thalia Vida Gardner.

  19. Let me add to that as well: no obituary, no record of her funeral at ANY of the funeral homes in Las Vegas with a website, requests from the parents online not to try and attend the funeral unless you were invited, and the fact that she reportedly perished on 3/5 or 3/6 and wasn't scheduled to be buried until 3/21?? Something isn't adding up.

  20. Her "nanny" (who was not with her bc she was running late from a hair appt) was first told the baby choked while eating a banana. I don't know about all the rest but when the nanny told me I was very curious. I've lost a child & considered reaching out. Then I saw the anti-vaxxer stuff & thought "oh no, not going there" -- another month has gone by & still nothing new?

  21. This is a Very real story and I'm actually a little disgusted at some of the poor taste and judgement of some of the people involved in this posting. I am not a fan of the father Tyler even the slightest but I've been very close to this entire situation from the beggining and i am begging to have very strong doubts about the medical staff and physicians, this has been going on for 16+weeks with what me and everyone else thought was clear evidence The Father killed his daughter, the thing is in Las Vegas the maximum amount of time it is supposed to take for an autopsy report to be returned is 8 weeks we are way passed that and if it's such a clear case why would it take so long? also I've been informed the father is not and has not been even investigated by the police even up until present day maybe that autopsy report has something in it the medical professionals don't want to be seen and or looking for another way to explain it. Tyler is a lot of things I watched him literally become overwhelmed and completely controlled by addiction making him in no way deserving of the family he was blessed with but only in the sense of not being around like a man with a family like his should be. He's not a violant person and none of the kids ever had any marks or sudden hospital visits and when they did see him they all were extremely excited to. I think he's a loser that let drugs destroy something hell never be able to replace weak minded yes but the more I think about this and the longer it takes to get the actual facts the more I start to realize I couldn't say he hurt any of their children without having serious serious doubts about it. Also something that I find puzzling is that it is completely possible he left something somewhere or dropped something Beautiful Thalia accidently ingested but I don't get why the baby never vomited the bodies natural reaction to any overdose in any child or adult in absolutely every drug death I've ever heard of is to try and get the substances killing the body out of its system Thalia never vomited never showed any signs of overdosing on drugs to me that is just a little bit questionable the more time passes by. At any rate I hope the truth whatever it may be becomes evident and I hope that the people deserving of a regular life are able to once again have that. I pray for this family Tyler included I know he loved his kids and now have a hard time believing he intentionally hurt their youngest. Anyway god bless you all and I think maybe some of you should think about the things your posting before you post them because if all those harsh "Truths" your saying are true something would be done by now someone would be charged and a cause of death would be revealed but here we are 4+ months later and nothing.

    R.I.P Thalia Vida you will certainly be missed
    and I hope you can shine me light somehow on what really happened to you .


  22. I just read some disgusting post from Karla's "Family" who I've known for a very long time long enough to know that domestic abuse and viloance is a normal accuracy for I also know drug use is something that has been apart of their "Family" and we'll other things no child should have to endure at the age they endured things who am I kidding they should never be abuses at any age. And for you guys to sit on this site and be complete hypocrites and bash your own blood for maybe wrongfully defending the father of her children because she obviously doesn't believe he is capable of intentionally harming their children when as long as I've known Karla and her family that's exactly the behavior she was taught. Probably by the same people posting these Redicule us comments. Like I said if it was so cut and dry like they day it is and that man murdered his child then the autopsy should be done he should be under serious questioning and possibly even charged and arrested by now. It seems an awful lot like it's not that simple and maybe some people just want somebody to blame not the real reason behind this beautiful child's death. I end with this for the people casting stones and treating a member of your own family the way you are there is a special spot in hell for you reserved right next to tyler if it turns out he did murder his daughter. ( it's looking less and less like that's the case, so you might be there alone)

    1. Here we are 7 months later and still nothing.
